The weight of life is reduced to a cloud As raindrops of lysergic acid run free. Their pitters and patters equally loud As all of the colours that melt around me. The womb of the universe beating its drum And setting a pace for the flowers to bloom. A force with such strength that all nature succumbs As peacefulness floats in kaleidoscope flumes.
Empathy blossoms, arousing a smile, That creeps from my lips to the end of the room, Searing itself on a cosmic denial That beauty like this shouldn’t gestate from gloom. Floating, not unlike a dandelions seed, Thoughts of anxiety flee to the Earth. They carry but vapidness with the sweet breeze. In nebulous nebulas they are dispersed.
Now what remains as a warm neon cloud Is beauty profound and purpose pristine. Unwanted, the ego is left disavowed Dancing in memories of amphetamines. Left in its place was the beauty and I. Climbing like vines as it forces the walls. Pushing them down with an ******* sigh, Revealing a cosmos that rhythmically calls:
‘Freedom is such a deplorable word. It offers ambitions too fruitful to take. Though comfort or not, As with fictitious plot, It’s only as real as it’s fake.’