Unfinished, unpolished, unfurnished; unpublished. Like us, a draft of what can be called "the both of us." A draft created that's open for change.
A change to be better ---better than who we are or what we are in the midst of the conflict that floats around us for the sake of us for the both of us ---for each other.
A change to be smoother ---smoother with no mistakes, with everything in order; consistent, and coherent even with the dialogues we say that matter.
A change to be clearer ---clearer, meaning it is at least what it is meant to be conveying with no underlying vague wordings when it comes to our feelings ---for one another.
But that's there all is: a draft of what could be called the both of us; a product of what we can become if we make it become; a product of the possibilities of what can be us, of what might be us, of what is it between us between the fragments of the words, the lines, and the series of all of them that constantly paint faint descriptions of us, descriptions created [fabricated] in my mind like a work of fiction, of pure imagination.
Unfinished, unpolished, unfurnished; unpublished, like the poems I wrote for us; like the poems about us; like us, a draft.