Looking at the girl Trapped in black or white I can't help to feel rage of no one seeing her light Who was there when her heart bled at night ? She wasn't troubled nor in the wrong But more of unfinished abandoned song with no beginning or end It was in herself she had to find her only friend Always feeling misplaced and a sad disgrace. Who watched the tears fall from her face? It was years till she felt the safety of a home Where she could breath and not feel alone And for once she felt like she belonged No one to push her out scream and shout Nor fill her head with self doubt Who was the one who saved her ? Who painted her world with bright colors ? Was it her multiple lovers ? The ones she found herself in. Was it by saving them she saved a piece of herself ? Or was this filling the void she had since age twelve. Her world crumbles every now and then so believe me when I tell you This story has no end.