Have you heard about this brute beast that lives in these parts Restless, he roams, goalless yet he thwarts A lot of people have encountered some never lived to see the day Where the monster decide to move past and mind be swayed
However that monster was not feared because of its relentless attacks Neither it was because of his horrifying expression when he appears But because of its presence, everyone is taken aback And with the arrival of such a beast, one's guile might disappear
Face it or fear for your stability
For he is the leviathan that never attacks, he never uses force However, he just stands there and mocks, yet your actions become coarse Be brave, young warrior, face the foe at hand Before you crumble your foundation that suddenly became sand
Face the creature and you will see, your might renewed and goals are clear Those who do not become a prisoner of life, the ones who cower in fear
Yet, here why do one hesitate, you ask?
Because in the end, we are all being attacked at once And your actions are watched by your loved ones. Then you realize, it's not the monster that confronted you that you should be afraid It's the monster that lives inside every person's mind that you should keep in check.
A little bit metaphorical but it speaks about a little beast that lives in each and everyone of us.
DDLC Purist Mod is up and I am reinvigorated to write up poems.