Deep in the incubus of fantasy As torrid painter makes its art Rips a flash of an epiphany A plaintive whisper of the heart Hobgoblin summer full of slobber Beget febrile reveries unkind As dance character’s macabre A three-ring circus in my mind Each minestrone moldy night When body craves boreal slumbers Akin cat on hot tin roof I fight Dank sog my sleep encumbers Comes morn aft time eternal Half charged at start of day Abscond sodden dreams infernal Tormenting orb is up to play I was hot before I even knew Never really did cool down Too warm again, for morning dew Vague slumber’d avec frown Haven't slept for an age or eon Cadaver tacky to the tepid touch Arise, trepid to perspire, like peon Labour in this broil is just too much