It was a day of being separated forever; How could I forget our last meeting of ever!
The sun was hidden somewhere, behind the cloud; and a dusty wind was to flow,as if the nature tried to play a sorrow-tune!
Suddenly I found my eyes to be stared at you, And our silent tears,became the witness of our presence, after a two years of silence...!
You asked me to have a snap with me and to frame it forever, somewhere in the corner of your heart.
I could feel your silent wish for me, Looking at your eyes; and when you stopped your lips,twice- from the attempt of saying me something; My eyes somehow captured the scene, and you would never understand, my that silent pain!
The album of our 'days of together' was turning over, Infront of my eyes; As if the memories, just got rememorised!
A lots of things were to tell you, a lots of tears to share, But the time reminded me, we are not together! I would never forget the words of your eyes, When we made a silent promise to remember, And to never meet again, forever!