How can I live? It's so hard To just make it to the next day You know it's gotten bad When your only sweet relief Is either death or cutting Or feeling any pain When you need pain to Just get though the day When everytime you try to do something It makes life worse What can you do When you can't escape The nightmare of the day Not even when you sleep When no one understands What can you do When people just give up Because you're too much of A mental case I'm tired Tired of people leaving Of people getting tired of me Of people hating me Of people being fake Of me How can I escape myself I need help But no one can help Cause the only people that Can help are Dead Maybe I should follow Maybe then I can escape myself From this hell The war going on in my head The war for my mind and soul I'm tempted The trade would be much better Than this But for now I guess I'll try living Even though it's so close to Death
I've been struggling these last few days with a lot of things and I'm sorry if my poems are a little dark, I just need a place to vent.