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Aug 2018
When you no longer love me I think I will know it,

And it won't be because I've betrayed you.

It will be signs in things that once made you sing,

Instead now they abstain or repulse you.

When I no longer tickle your fancy but instead I tickle your last nerve.

When I no longer ignite your pulse but instead I extinguish it.

When I no longer sing through your skin but instead I pierce it.

I know you you will no longer love me.

When I’m no longer the breath that fills both your lungs, instead I take needles and puncture them.

When I’m no longer the stream that carries your dreams, instead I capsize you and drown them.

When I’m no longer the fuel that feeds each of your bones, instead I withhold it and starve you.

I know you will no longer love me.

It won’t be because my smile’s gone stale; it won’t be because you dislike me.

It won’t be because my affections set sail; it won’t be because you’ve lost me.

When you no longer love me I think I will know it,

And it won’t be because I’ve betrayed you.

It will be because you simply forgot,

Each part of me that once amazed you.
Written by
Katie Read  21/F
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