Its late night now Its dark and cold too Yet here I am on my balcony Wrapping my own body with a blanket;
Once again I am indulged in my own thoughts As I stare into the starry night And hope it won't disappear into the thick clouds;
Wandering as I go back to those times When I was innocent and young and selfish Never did I knew how grateful I am to have you;
I was oblivious- you were there always Asking and making sure I was feeling fine Whether it was physically or emotionally Like you said once:
"I'll be here waiting- for moral support"
You were there- You knew I was lying when you ask if I was fine When I said:
"I am fine" with a broken smile
Yet you stayed and made sure I was to go home with a cheerful smile You stayed and we talked for a while- oohhh we bought ice cream at that time too!
You were there- When the time it was raining and I didn't brought my umbrella And you lend me yours And you walked- almost like running on the street As the raindrops blur your vision
I was so grateful
Such wonderful memories! And its still strong and going!
Going back to those times- even at this times Makes me go crazy! We're friends- and I don't want to confuse myself With such sweet gestures.... With love