I know you're busy trying to find yourself Through nicotine and diet pills I was just curious and thinking Do you ever stop to wonder If it's enough to just be the you that you are? Do you ever stop to consider If it's worth losing the you that's already there?
So call me when you get back From the hell you're putting yourself through When you choose me over all the worthless addictions you destroy yourself with Call me when you get back From all the nightmares you've made come true
Tell me who's been by your side Through all of what life has thrown at you? Can your cigarettes wipe away your tears? Do those drugs make you feel so pretty That you don't even need me? You say that it's none of my concern That just sounds like an excuse What you need is a hard knock back into reality
Do you believe I will just ignore All the brand new cuts, bruises, and burns? Do you think I'll sit still while you tear yourself down? I know you lie when you say you need to save yourself your way Doing things your way looks like a hazard sign to me
I'm scared of what you have become I'm scared of what you will do to yourself I feel like I can't take my eyes off of you Or you'll just disappear Iām so mad at you for making me be so disappointed In the person who I looked up to the most Without any regard for those who love you Choosing ephemeral means of feeling over the shoulders that we offer
Call me when you wake up tell me why you're upset I want to be there for you You know that I am someone you can come to Call me when you need me I promise I'll pick up immediately Know that I know that you are scared So call me when you're ready I promise I'll be there
My best friend was struggling a lot last year this was originally a song I wrote her. She's good now just fyi.