Isn't it nice that to the community of mental health care patients Facebook anecdotes now take precedence over actual self care Out of hand patients themselves take to macros take to words
Isn't it great that through mass social media propagation My generation and the next now look to Netflix and Hulu As a means to make themselves feel better than depressed
Oh, the dopamine is flowing and the gravy boats are growing The market hauls in all the fresh meat to their market stalls Isn't it nice that we saved them from the other force, The papacy?
What a ******* catch
No one Will save us we Have to Save Ourselves
Do you understand The stakes at hand? Your mind. The emotion You crave Is manufactured Packaged And placed
They smell your Sweet sweet Green back
Take it back. Sit on your hands. Let them come. Drag you away. As you smile in calm. Do you think they can take. All of us from the freedom of peace Before The Human awakes?