I am me "I accept you" Who is me though? "You're you" I think that I might be gay "That's ok I accept you" I don't know who I- "Just don't tell your dad" But I- "And don't be too open about it" I don't think I like who I am "Don't say that" I feel repressed "Stop looking for attention" I don't think gay is the right term for me "whatever just don't be in everyone's face about it" I have a girlfriend now "just make sure you two aren't obvious in public" I want to die sometimes "if you don't accept help now they won't fix you enough and eventually no one will help you" I- "You're fine" I am me But I don't know who that is
Oh yeah. I forgot I saved this as a draft. But yeah. This gives you a teeny tiny idea of how it feels trying to communicate with my mother.