Teaching over the years, Has brought joy and tears. Some students learn and score, Some study harder and get more, Such children can go far, They are like a shining star. Some need special attention to get by, With extra help they try, The rest do not care, Their parents least bothered how they fare. Most times teaching is a difficult task, Not a luxury in the sun to bask. Foremost you are an educator, In between you become a father or mother, Perhaps a counsellor, Your shoulders always there to cry on, A mobile in case they need to phone, Patience and long talks with hugs to relieve fears, A handkerchief to wipe tears. Teachings is lots of marking papers and paper work, Most you cannot shirk. It too is abundant with happiness, To see your students faces When they achieve top positions, All set for new careers to different destinations, When they visit with gifts, Your joy gets double lifts, To hear them say, "Had it not been for you I would have been nothing, Today I am something."