If I were to draw me If I were to paint me If I were to create a physical representation of me me
I would draw a dancer One who seems in control Like she has it together Like she has full command of her movements, of the floor, of her partner, of the music She knows what she is doing and she is doing it well Her partner trusts her The floor trusts her She does not trust her She is making it up as she goes But she knows she is making it up wrong But they can't know that.
I would draw a child full of insecurities Full of rebellion Full of doubt - in herself; in the world A black hole for love A vessel of fear But they can't know that either
I would draw me as a kind warrior. A commander as I step into an imaginative reality that is aided by games, by friends. I am confident there. My mistakes are large, but there is nothing real to lose - we can always try again. My compassion is a rare gem, noticed by any who get close enough to look (mainly jagged rocks are seen in these seas) The friendships are Real. And I am too.
I would draw myself as a child. At least, that is how it would look at first I would be standing next to a man, my dad. Upon looking closely, one would realize the man is the child. And the child is the adult.
I would draw myself as a mom Picked by her kids. Chosen. Looked up to. Seen as cool, wise, infallible. A great mom. One full of love. They would only be right about that last part And they would only be right about that last part sometimes