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Jun 2018
My broken sobs
Are blocked out from the shower
The water running down my face
Like it has been for the past half hour

Am I that bad
Do you really hate me
That you think I cant be a friend
If you gave me a chance you would see

My breaths are stutters
I can barely inhale
I'm still in the shower
Crying about ** I am a miserable fail

You asked a question about me
"Whats so good about her?"
You'd think I wouldn't find out
I'm not hiding behind fur

You could just tell it to me
Not talk about me behind my back
Making me feel miserable
Waiting fr me to crack

Well congratulations
It is done
You've pushed me over the edge
Im reaching for the gun
Hi everyone. Thank you guys for messaging me your support but every time I go to write a note that is important i end up having to do something so i have to quickly post the poem. I AM NOT THIS DEPRESSED!! I don't think about suicide and i dont cut. I write from other peoples perspective. People message me on Instagram and i write poems for them and they love t so i decided to post them on here if i had their permission. But thank you everyone for your kindness you guys are amazing. I love you <3
Written by
Crystal  15/F/Earth
   Fawn and Rick the shoe shine boy
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