Words They elude me They make me beg my brain For access to my own vocabulary When they seem to go missing It feels like my inner dictionary Is closed and on holiday
I wished to always have words to say I wish I could always put down my thoughts To be able to see what goes through my mind To be able to decipher how far I've gone with seeming normal
I wished for words And then they came For days on end It was like being possessed by a friend The words never ceased And yet contrary to my rationals The ache in my heart never eased The main goal was to rid myself of this disease Slowly eating up the depths of my soul
I decided to move on from words They didn't seem to be helping So I prayed for actions To be able to show how hurt I was How dead I felt And to prevent another from drowning In this mud pit that wouldn't let go
It worked I found a stranger With an inner struggle He made a move To trust me I made a move To care And so we forged a friendship And saved ourselves from death.
Yikes! A long one. Thank you for taking out the time to read this. Your opinion would be deeply appreciated.