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Apr 2018
A poet’s tree.

The tree at the end of the garden, stands tall and proud.
It will forever rise up towards the sunlight, but it will never look down.
It has been here many years now
And it has seen many things come and go;
But its roots are buried deep, down in the Earth below.

It was there when I first arrived here
And it will be here long after I am not.
The tree in the garden lives long in the memory
And it has claimed its plot.

All the plants in the garden are kept cool beneath its shade
And when they need to feel the sunshine,
Time makes the shadows move away.
All other things are dwarfed beneath its branches;
They are covered in thousands of leaves.
It stands alone, it has no equal;
It has no envy for any other tree.

It is the finest tree of them all;
The tree at the end of the garden stands proudly
And it will forever stand tall.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey
Written by
Aa Harvey
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