it starts with a feeling of something being wrong all conversations feel fake you're missing... something everything smiles feel fake on your lips and frowns leave a bad taste in your mouth your feelings are gone shrugged off like a coat that you can't seem to find
your feelings are gone separated by a glass wall apathy is too little of a word to describe it its the feeling of being stripped away of all context all emotion and memories you talk to the one you love but love is hidden away you can only feel a hint of it like someone yelling at you from a floor above the only emotions that aren't gone are fear and anxiety
it's vaguely terrifying like a horror movie you've all but forgotten you know something is wrong but you're not worried enough to do anything to change it you're a husk and husks don't care what happened to them
the trigger? unpredictable maybe I was feeling too much from the sad book I had just read the cure? who knows the only thing that saved me today was a youtube video when laughter forced its way from my chest I felt my emotions flood back