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Apr 2018
Writers Block

Silent, blank, empty mind.
Devoid of inspiration; a big waste of time.
For all I wish to do, is begin to write,
But all the words I cannot think of have eluded my mind.

So here I sit, in front of the computer screen,
Just waiting for a divine intervention,
Or maybe some divine inspiration;
But all I have on my mind is a woman named Divine Brown.

I’m supposed to be a writer, but I can’t even write;
I can’t think of anything, original tonight.
All I can think of is what other people have already said.
Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this, maybe I should just go to bed.

Come on brain think, of a single sentence.
Maybe that will lead me, to write the rest;
Or maybe I should, just take a rest,
But I have so many words I wish to get off my chest.

But where to begin?  I’ll see what I’ve written so far;
Well I’ve written the title, I guess that’s a start
And I know what the plot is, but where do I begin?
With who?  What?  When?  Or Where?  
Why is it so hard to think?

Ok, so He’s here and they’ve just done that,
So all I have to think about, is what happens next.
Ok, yeah that’s good; I’ll just type it before I forget.
No, wait that’s not good enough, maybe a drink will help.

Now I’m on my third bottle of wine and I still cannot write.
I guess I’ll go back to bed and try again tomorrow.
But wait, here it is!  My thoughts are all falling into line.
Yes!  That sounds good. They can do that;
****!  There goes my phone.

Now where was I, oh yeah, that’s right.
I had it just; come on what was I going to write?
If I sit here long enough, it’s bound to come back to me;
But I’m feeling so tired, I can no longer think.

I’ll try again in the morning;
I’m too tired to care anymore.
Maybe I shouldn’t be writing this book.
Maybe there’s something else that will be easier to do.
This whole writing thing is too hard;
I guess I’ll just do a job that requires no words.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey
Written by
Aa Harvey
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