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Mar 2018
Summers of baseball fields and
Decaffeinated Dr. Peppers.
Volunteer work because we had
Nothing better to do.
Meaningless crushes and
Unabashed flirting in the
Sweltering heat.
When July bled into August I thought
I would never see you again.
But tonight I saw you again.
My shame burned behind my eyes and
My memories brimmed, threatening to spill over.
Suddenly, I didn't want the bubblegum ice cream
We used to share.
I remembered your laugh and the way your eyes looked in the hot sun. I remembered how we played hide and seek with our friends for hours on end just to have an excuse to escape. I remembered the tan lines we collected and the times we had water gun fights just to have something to do.
All at once, I remembered how I left.
I remembered how I hurt you.
I remember how we yelled until you left.
I knew I was sorry
And I knew that you were the one who got away.
The one I set free by leaving.
The one that I would never forget.
I'll always want you back.
I'll never get over you.
Sorry. I'll never forget you ***** *******.
Written by
adriana  17/F/la
     hannah, ---, Nyx, Harriet Shea and savvy
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