You are a river in a hopeless isolated desert, You are the light rising and filling the dark corners of my locked room, To be with you is to feel, to be bright and happy To be with you is to connect and grow. But like a rubber band I am only able to stretch so far before I break and snap against your fragile skin and cause you pain that was not intended. I do not want to hurt you so I ask you to step away, I avoid telling you the painful truths that open my locked room because to let the light in is hard when you've lived in the dark for so long. To let a river flow through this desert would be to taint it with an inescapable darkness that drags down all those in sight, And yet I want to scuba dive and explore the deepest caves within your mind, and understand the rare fish that swim in the reef of your personality, You ask me to speak, You tell me you're here, And it is this I know, but it is this I fear