It was an awful time In a regime of crime; Of robber barons who Increased the taxes to Barricade their homes And set thieves to roam So they could all carve The poor and let them starve.
The poor, so sick and dull, Felt they were being pulled Between half-truths and lies That were all disguised As the loving benefactions And the word of some god From ancient lost times Imported from The Land Of Odd.
It was a scary times of idols With feet of pond slime who Confused the people and Took their civil rights too And stole their pensions And their insurance away; Would not protect them No matter what folks would say.
The poor, so sick and dull, Felt they were being pulled Between half-truths and lies That were all disguised As the loving benefactions And the word of some god From ancient lost times Imported from The Land Of Odd.
It was a horrible time here When leaders didn’t lead Or see to what those who Had elected them might need. The stupid poor watched as The nation slowly eroded away. What a sad tale of a sad land. The land is us and it was just yesterday.
It was an awful time In a regime of crime; Of robber barons who Increased the taxes to Barricade their homes And set thieves to roam So they could all carve The poor and let them starve.