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Mar 2018
Self confidence can be hard to come by when you suffer from a mental illness.
You show strength, when other people would crumble.
You help people with problems, even when you're going through a hard time yourself.
You forgive certain people; even when it would be understandable if you never spoke to them again.
You find motivation, when it would be easy to be lazy.
You try and make people's lives that bit brighter, even when you feel dark inside.
You raise awareness to let people know they're not alone, even though it makes you emotional and is hard to talk about.
Not many people could do all of these things.
You show kindness, when it would be easy to lash out.
You go through a struggle every day, but still make time for everyone and you always do your best.
That shows that you have every right to confident.
In adversity, you still show how good a person you are.
That makes you someone special and someone I'm proud to know.
Andrew Ewen
Written by
Andrew Ewen  28/M
       Danial John, --- and E McNamara
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