A memorable lover gives nostalgia, a melodic shape, and only if you could forward the images to exterior, everywhere you walk would turn into songs of love. And existence itself could benefit from, knowing that real is still reachable. That craving, the emotional awakening, even in the mind’s intellect knows, the memories of this pastime, gesture beyond the heart of poetry and it’s transcends everything human. A peculiar largeness to one’s whole essence. This engagement of one’s own past, like it’s said, that real and pure love is there, using this present thread of moments, parents one’s own future. And if that real love that poetry speaks about in such sinless grace does not exist, I don’t want to know. Some things are better left unsaid. Her, provides such a strong faith, to which poetry had always failed in, that the love of soulmates can provide is there and in this world, to be honest, I wouldn’t be able to express it anyway, I’ll be pulled forward to experience it and has left me with reason and meaning to be alive. (Doesn’t being burnt, leave such a bitterness to one’s life, that drips and veils everyone a certain distrust?) - knowledge variable