You only live life once, they say. You only have one mom, one dad, and you only have one first car. Well, I don’t care. You only lose your virginity once, have one firstborn, you only have one death, they say. Well, having *** for the first time is no different from having *** for the second time Despite both archaic views on biology And the backwash of a society that values peaking by young adulthood. Children are neither here nor there, And I don’t care about death. Youth has been romanticized to the point of fetishization. The plethora of coming-of-age novels and films represent this. We live in a culture obsessed with youth, It’s connotations, Innumerable “firsts”, Peaking by young adulthood. Is it simply because children and teens are more easy to market to, being a perpetually existing group? Is it because in a culture with such drastically differing generations, youth provides a connecting wire between them? Is it because of the amount of people who look back from their mundane lives and fall into nostalgia’s pit? Or something else?