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Jan 2018
As you sing,
I hear
I love to do that,
O my dear!
Have heard songs
Of this world
For so long
Some plagued
My ears
While some did
Enchant them
I loved their
For if you can
Get amrita(liquid of immortality)
Not by mouth
But by ears
Won't you
O my dear?
So my ears
Were blessed
Serving as the passage
Of some thing so dear!
But more than
Anything else
Your song is dear
I knew you'd
For this
Is song no mere
It is the expression
Of one so near
Looked upon
With such discrimination
He cannot
As you and I do
But this doesn't mean
The end of creativity
In his mind
God has gifted him
A great vocal chord
To produce tunes
Parts of a
Mellifluous song!
Why won't he?
His mind grows slowly
He becomes hyperactive at times
But this is his life
He's not disabled
Born to carry the glory
Of being specially abled
So as the unknown boatman
Of the boat called life
Moves ahead in its journey
Let me listen
To his songs
Let his melodies enchant me
Oh he's nothing
Just one of
God's creations
With autism!
I stand by such souls
Who face sorrow
Being lost at times
Due to unnecessary
Furies and tides of the world
Plaguing and worsening
Their lives
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