You know those tears I so often shed? They are but beads of so many emotions yet also the absence of such My eyes leak until they are tired You think these tears make me weak That I am ruined Yet I weep for I am tortured I weep for I am grateful I weep for I know not how to live without such intensity I weep for those I cannot help I weep for those who lost the battle I continue to fight I weep for the ones I love and the love I won when I met him I weep to cleanse my body of all evil But mostly I weep to remind myself that I am still alive My heart beats even when it is hurting My soul sings louder to compensate for the times it has been crushed For it wishes to be heard above the chorus of supressed hopes and dreams The fear has made me a coward, you say But no, I persevere Despite the trepidation you fail to understand, I remain To weep and be heard weeping is strength like no other To be vulnerable in the face of judgement In the presence of such paralysing fear that holds you hostage and mercilessly lingers Is to be an injured soldier in the war that is life But to never surrender