Outstretched is her palm, forget-me-not pink, gaily contrasting with her whitish silhouette and honeyed lips, so taciturn by nature
Perhaps it is that gently pursed habit that so draws me in, the scent of promise and the taste of paradise
She fascinates me Dancing with men after most men have gone to sleep, she later waltzes with the moon until mortar and pestle have been reduced to skipping-stones
Her dress celebration, Her laughter champagne, Her manner a Sistine rendition, “Joy Of Man’s Desiring”
When her lips do part, not a single sweet sound emerges, but the muted C sharp of a thousand golden sirens, inspiring mutiny in men everywhere
And if blood is thicker than water, honey is thicker than blood, so it is honey which runs through her trickle veins!
Ludicrous? Perhaps. yet, O Lady the corners of your sweet lips and fair face to me betray promises of music, of moondust, of honey, and