beads that hit like bullets sudden and painful and take you by surprise but the damage is only temporary and then i collect them and give them sentimental value which i know is something i shouldn't because ill only lose them anyway
the other people who have collected beads are guns they shoot them when they lose them some days they want their beads back but they're mine now and because of that we don't get along im the one who gave them value so they're mine and they're never getting them back
i dont remember my first bead where it came from or how i got it but one day it appeared but now it's long gone i wouldn't worry if i were you most people never keep their first bead they go missing after a while
on rare occasion im not being careful on rare occasion i decide i won't act with ease im reckless and careless until suddenly i pull the trigger, not on purpose in the slightest maybe i said some things, did some things knew a little too much about things but because i pulled the trigger only a couple will stay, the rest will go missing and ill never get them back
my beads are weapons that are used against me they never asked to be shot at me but once i attached that value to them they were stuck with me forever and despite people telling me "let them go" "the chipped beads, the bad beads" "you don't need them. they're toxic." but i keep them because i believe it's worth it
but then because of those few beads i keep i slowly notice the others disappearing one by one they're all gone and suddenly without warning my barrell of beads is empty except for the last and now the beads i once cherished so much are gone and now in the barrell of another gun
i pulled the trigger again
I lost a friend. I lost a bead. I pulled that trigger.