Where were you when the good guys lost? When only bad guys got to score? What were you doing to help us win the fight When we needed a few people more? How did it happen that you were so busy That you couldn’t come face them down, And let the people who were elected to lead us Be rascals crooks and scary clowns?
Were you locked up in a prison someplace Or in some kind of conflict of your own? Was there a monstrous family schism happening That put all else into the Twilight Zone? Were you unconscious in an ugly coma Through something horrible done to you? Were you lost in a desert for a year or more? Was there some brain freeze you lived through?
What could have been so important to you That you could let our country go to hell And fall into a pattern of human oppression That the **** party did so freaking well? What kind of earthshaking civic duty did you see That was more important than our freedom? What kind of social and political madness was it That took the place of your sense of reason?
Are you planning to blame other people later When the country we love falls apart? Will you point the fingers at the leaders you chose? And how late will you let that start? Will it be far too late to stop your chosen lawmakers From blocking every effort you or I make? Will you let them swindle, rob and imprison all of us To keep from prosecuting those on the take?
Where will you be when we try to fix this mess? Will you be off enjoying wine, women and song? Will you be in a debauched fool’s paradise when The last chance for democracy comes along? Or will you finally do some reading and research To find out where this country went astray? You haven't been able to wake and smell the fear. Maybe you can come to your senses today.