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Dec 2017
We hung out once,
we hung out twice.
I must say it was quite nice.

So out we went
To try our luck
Romance was on our side,
And we laughed a lot.

But time grows thinner,
And elsewhere I must be.
As the days go I see
"The winner"
Is something I'll never be.

Love needs our time
Love needs our hope
Makes us vulnerable
Makes us cope

I gave my hope
Searching for a way to cope
Tried to be vulnerable
But did it work? Nope.
Why? Time, my time, my lack of time.

And so now you see,
Why I cry.
I had you
And I lost you
Before I ever had you.
We call this: "The point of almost loving".
And it's unholy beau:
Mourning for a life that never was.
A life that could be.
Except that it can't — not for me.
Written by
Emmanc  23/F/Florida
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