there’s a gouging hole where my chest used to be ever since the moment i met you a tiny piece of me has crumbled and fallen to the floor leaving trails of myself as i pass and over the months as i have been chipped away at my soul has emptied
i’ve grown tired of the pain i’ve grown tired of the wanting and the longing
i’ve rushed to pick up pieces of myself again but i found that they don’t fit
i am not the same anymore
we are not the same
nothing will be like it was these months have sloshed like water, up and down and now the water is gone a new tide has come in
and i don’t know how to fit here in these waters what to expect from them
acceptance rolls in between my fingers touching my skin and begging to be absorbed this past month i have been playing with it in my hands, feeling its tacky sticky texture
it promises no returns, only a way to pick up my pieces again and fill in the gaps you left, with it’s presence
i lay on the ground water laps at my body and pushes bits of me into the holes they once occupied
i lay
my hand is now covered in it, the acceptance
i lay in the slowness, the grey sounds of the water filling my ear and there is nothing i can do but wait
wait for the acceptance to over take my body wait for myself to be whole again
i remember your face and i wonder how that’s ever possible
and yet here i am, being put back together and remedied
here i am
waiting for my impossibilities to soak into my skin and become possible
here i am
i dont know how to get over her but i will, its happening, i just have to wait