Red dry patches there Red dry patches here Red dry patches everywhere Irritating, itchy , and ugly “Put some lotion and everything will be fine. It will be gone and it won’t be fugly” They said If only it was that easy as a book I just read But no. I always keep myself on the low You see, sometimes these patches bleed And I cry, because it hurts and wish it will heal at such greater speed I cry because when the water cleanses my body, it sometimes burns I wish we could take turns So you would understand Why I can’t simply put myself with such confidence within myself, as I seem like a lost strand Why my insecurities are high off the roof How I want my body to disappear, like “****” How I’ll never have decent skin until many months from now From time to time admiring other people’s fair skin and I say “wow” I wish I had normal skin So I wouldn’t have to be dry and flaky, I would’ve had some sort of win I wish I could be able to wear clothes that reveal some of my beauty from my body But being snapped in reality, it’ll just disturb everybody So I shall wait And just deal with everything as it is my fate
When is the day that one will begin to love oneself?