Suffocating underneath depression and dark thoughts Disguising the truth with layers of anxiety and dust I am a sucker for dreams.
If a "wishing fluff" touches my leg while I'm falling asleep to Another Episode Of overthinking Playing on repeat in my head Dancing ballad Black Swan on my heart On a crowded train I would lean down Pick it up And the stranger who sits opposite of me Whose eyes and their unspoken confusion I would accidentally meet on my way up I would smile at him Because I am a sucker for dreams.
I would make a wish The generic "I just wish to be happy" Or the "Please let there be a tomorrow Where depression and anxiety are locked behind bars Begging me on their knees for help" Just like ten thousand times a day I beg them for mercy I beg them for freedom I beg them for happiness But oh my Sometimes Like once a month or something At 5:31am or 2:27pm I would smile too Because there's a "wishing fluff" flying by Like a paper airplane destined to land In that place from my dreams Moonlight on the lake Piano keys composing the most haunting melody That "wishing fluff" Is a reminder for me There is still hope There is somewhere where music is not ghostly cries Somewhere where dreams do come true For a sucker for dreams like me.
Even with 3% battery left I would not use my phone for music Nor to check social media I would use my final breath To type up These words These dreams Because they are life They are who I am Because I am a sucker for dreams.
I made some wishes: peace of mind, health, steady relationships, to smile more, to go out and have fun, to not let my happiness depend on another person... I blew the "wishing fluff" away.