I lay in the middle of a soccer field all alone there's no one in sight
I'm ****** and I'm awaiting a revelation from above and beyond
Staring into the midnight sky I'm brought back to my childhood experiencing deep curiosity once again
I wonder what's out there in the universe my head is spinning and the stars and the moon seem like they're dancing and it's honestly beautiful
But I've always been stuck with these questions questions that I've never had an answer for
How did I get here? What is life? Why am I here?
The stars would speak to me through the language of love and light they told me everything I needed to know
They told me that we are their children that I was sent here to bring people back to our true home
They told me that human life is a special occasion But not to go off the path
It occurred to me that we are homesick we have gotten lost we think that the stars are pretty and that's all there is to it
But it goes far deeper than that
And when I thought about how deep it goes Something within me spoke and it wasn't my voice not even the voices in my head
It spoke through emotion it told me that the stars aren't there just to look pretty it told me that the stars are within us and when we gaze into the depths of the cosmos we're really gazing into how far we've gotten since genesis looking at our ancient past a huge part of who and what we truly are
The stars are there to guide us back home they are our divine compass they are always watching over us but we've kind of always knew that come full circle