She could be both a colorless tasteless poison or the elixir of life it was how she felt that decided your drink.
Stinging souls to their core,Β Β with her way she could both capture hearts or release them to her fire as she desired.
Damaged ego, too much pride, and a victims heart helped her slip past happiness to find fault in the other half.
Always running away but going nowhere, putting things behind her only to weigh her down, a victim of her own deeds, blameless.
She's blissful in her isolation, a prison she wishes she could break however that requires more than a glance in the mirror of honesty.
a girl so prideful, a ego so large to fool you into thinking you were at fault, and undeserving, the one mistreating her...Sadly she still has my heart, she opened it and crushed it in a matter of years,