You never want your daughter to have to go through what you went through So you tell her, "do not party, do not drink, do not hang out with those people, especially him, do not sneak out of the house, do not get caught up in drugs..." You tell her that how mad at her you will be if she does these things and how disappointed you will be for her disobeying you Only because you are trying to protect her from what your mother could not Not because you don't understand her and why she would and all the temptations and fun that could've happened, but did not You scare her so much that when she does go to that party and drink too much, or when she gets caught up with that boy, not a man, and he uses her home as a hotel, or when she experiments and goes too far with a drug, with something to take away reality She will not come to you She is too ashamed of the disappointment and too afraid of the punishment That she will not come to you So her guilt and depression grows like a **** until she cannot house it anymore So what do you do and how do you protect her from what your mother could not