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Oct 2017
Just like a raindrop
I was born to fall
Just like a tough guy I am
I will try and show them all

Never knew love or hate
Only pain the past drugs create
hitting up like flint and steel
Cannot fathom if anything is real

Darkness creeps in, paranoia begins
When lights go out I face my demons
I hear the loud echoing screams
To this day I wish they would stop visiting my dreams

Evil is winning it’s wearing the crown
It’s all smoke and mirrors until they break down
But by then your already slaves
Just another toy with which he plays

Silent visions of past mistakes
Let us see what this new day makes
poem created /; cannot re-call unfortunately

summary/ purpose :/ While walking to an Ottawa Bus-Stop I seen a homeless man, offering poems if you helped him. I often help out homeless people anyway, with Jordan it was no exception. I gave him a Canadian 5$ bill, and i seen the joy in his eyes. He gave me the whole pile of poems and Thanked me very much. I wish him the best. He inspired me to create this poem.

inspiration from/ inspired by :/ Dedicated and Inspired by Jordan MacDonald(not targeted at him)
Raymond Turcotte
Written by
Raymond Turcotte  21/M/Montreal / QC
(21/M/Montreal / QC)   
       Imran Islam, Somebody Nobody, winter sakuras, mel and V
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