you looked down at your feet the veins there pulsated and scurried to another place; away
you looked up and saw a face belonging to a girl named maude you could tell by the mouth
you looked back down this time at your hand where you found one (or two or three) blunt(s) object(s) and you threw it/them at the mirror so you no longer had to see maude
you walked out, into the foyer and you were throwing a party
you walked out, into the boiler room and you were throwing a party
you walked out, into the bathroom and you were throwing a party
everywhere there were parties and everyone's mouths were opening and closing and you were trying to hear what they were saying but only distorted and muffled noise was being produced
the heron croaked three times you didn't know what time it was
the heron croaked thrice and what time was it
the heron croaked three then you had to answer one question: