Welcome to the endless whole that is called my friend zone. Once you’re in there you will never come out Everyone always teases me about “the pit” Watch out don’t flirt with Anna Not that anyone would care but I have a reason. Maybe just maybe I have been hurt to many times That when a boy flirts with me after a week or two he gets tired of me and moves onto the next girl Maybe after a year of wanting a guy talking to him every day he still picks someone else. So, when finally, I am able to look in the mirror and not be degusted by what I see he just tramples on it. It’s like he was in the mirror pointing out all my insecurities. So once again I am back to the sad girl I was before That after months of trying to get over something that he didn’t even know he did he notices me. Wants to talk to me and flirt with me. Smile at me when he sees me. Fighting a raging battle inside of myself to not let him in Reminding myself that my life is not a book and it will not work out. Once they see the ugly mess inside they will run the other way so fast they will get whip lash. So, welcome to the friend zone Enjoy your stay.