I’m from a world exactly like ours where the days aren’t measured by hours { * + & sometimes I feel like I have superpowers + * } there, the grass is blue & the sky is green > but most things are backwards in-between < nothing is ever what it seems
<<< I'm lost inside heavenly hyperbole in the clouds of my own mentality a one-of-a-kind, life-like reality floating in anti-gravity >>>
welcome to my favorite delusion @ your world is nothing but c o n f u s i o n @ everything is just an illusion allusion? let's dream until the nextrevolution
* * * * * it was all a technicolor blur, only upside-down and inside-out a place unlike any other, dream of the world in every color * * * *
*part of sonnet collection: Revelling in Reverie (sonnet + 4 additional lines)