let everyone you know and love become a metaphor; strip them of their normality find the stars in his eyes and drown in them you must believe that everyone is a canvas, including you so choose your decorations wisely from the palette of emotions your heart carries
when you find him love him until you burst and when you burst burst until you can no longer apologize because maybe his hands weren't fit to handle a love like yours
when you find him love him until you burst and when you burst burst until you don't need to apologize because maybe his hands are willing to handle a soul like yours he won't be perfect and he will be coated in mistakes and forgetfulness but you'll love him anyway
look at all the stereotypes and see what extraordinary pieces of **** they are look at all the people and see that we are all books waiting to be understood by avid readers
feel intensely, feel sad, feel happy think these feelings are only unique to you and that only you have cracked like a diamond under pressure
come up with artistic ways to say no when hands begin to roam
when his tongue crashes with yours and when his mouth collides with your starving lips, make sure you stir well; your lips feel more alive when they're peeling and numb from a lover trust me
when you find yourself become a metaphor find the stars in your eyes and drown in them know that you are a canvas and that the palette of thoughts in your mind is not as dull as you thought it would be believe me, you are the most extraordinary being; a bona fide alchemist.
- Crimsyy
a/n: thankyou for reading! Please comment your thoughts on this poem (: