in order to grow a field of hope from walking on clouds...
To the realm of dreams, I walk through! I see it, too. Through a book which sews an
adventure with words and words need no wings for they can soar for a
thousand thousand miles... For as far as the light can touch. For as far as
the air can reach. My fingers paint the sky red and blue.
My feet
pave a bridge of clouds where no man can reach unless you're bound like
I am.
Above and beyond the purple skies and the emerald tides. Above and beyond the
Golden Sun and sense outrun Light pierces shrouds and feathers descend. A world where I
my will &n
Nefelibata - A cloud walker; One who lives in the cloud of their own imagination or dreams, or one who does not abide by the precepts of society, literature, or art; An unconventional, unorthodox person.
...Describes my crazy soul. I always did have my head in the clouds :P