I'm your very own Tablet of artificial happiness. Because apparently You're not capable of doing it yourself. But it's okay, just swallow me And I will fix you chemically.
You'll still be broken But for a while I'll make you forget Because with me you'll have no choice But to smile. Don't be mad, just swallow me, I'll get rid of your anxiety.
I don't always work But I'm not perfect, of course Just like you. For that's why I'm here after all. Your brains mis-wired but swallow me, And I'll fix that... temporarily.
I understand why You don't want to take me Since you want Simply to fix things on your own. But give it up and swallow me, Because no way you'll fix it naturally.
Because without me You'll be as lost as you were. Back in the beginning Of a dark life you don't want to live. Because admit it. If you don't swallow me, When in your life will you ever be Happy?