Come home, eat dinner go to sleep and have a weekend break.
Wasting time or time gone wasted? Pay the mortgage if I had one to pay. Pay the bills and send the kids all off to college.
That's what management says. "You millennials, always ruining something!"
You can't feed a family on avocado toast seasoned with debt.
Is it worth it? This life I have? These four-walls are a cell and I'm paid to be locked in a for-profit prison. Eight hours everyday five days out of the week.
Food and sleep are a punctuation. Sunlight through a dusty office window and stale break room coffee.
Blink and you're forty. Blink again and you realize that you can't get back the hours you spent on overtime. Glazed-eyes and a faded smile.
"If you don't like it, quit." I would if I could, but I like to have a roof over my head and hot food in the wintertime.
I'll retire when I die.
At least I know that my kids won't have to pay for my coffin.