She is waiting for me Leaned up against the bricks by my door Mysterious New She is smoking a cigarette A habit that I despise can become so nostalgic and alluring It’s exciting
The grasp of her foreign hands lead me to the elevator She presses the Close Door button three times Her lips find their way to my mouth Biting my lip She pushes me against the cold wall hard And teases me with a hand sliding up my skirt We stumble onto my floor I fumble with keys as she kisses my neck and shoulders
I am playing with the button of her jeans I undress for her like a good girl I want to touch her so badly But I am pinned down to red sheets Please Every breath sets my lungs on fire Barely able to make a sound Please
She leans out of my bedroom window Another cigarette lit hanging from her fingertips It’s cold but she doesn’t cover up I can see the goose bumps on her skin It is odd that she is familiar
I did not anticipate this But her in this light, in this way Far too beautiful for a moment so fleeting Artists’ lovers are never mortal They are captured forever in ink and paint You need not worry my dear Your beauty will always last For you will never expire