Embers burn in a flash of light Flying through the night Flamboyant flames dancing Dancing, it's the demon The demon who follows me Stares at me with its intense eyes Flailing it's arms, taunting me Taunting me in a provoking manner Provoking me Shoving me reaching Holding me up by my shirt My chest, infecting my lungs Gripping me so tightly in its arms Escape, I must escape I must I must fight it Silently Quietly, without a word nor cry Glaring intensely, infuriating Fighting a battle that will go unsaid Untold, unheard of, a tale with no writing Battling and scarring each other Determined to win, to defeat To **** We are determined to **** One must die for the other to live To live and grow, for our beauty to show We must fight. We must fight without sound Without word of mouth nor page Fight till one is gone **** so one can leave
I started with it being about asthma, but it took a darker turn to it.