While receiving the daily alms From houses far and near A blind beggar walked passed Wiping off his sweat and tear
As he neared the temple steps To praise and thank the gods The people laughed at him Leashing out hurtful words
Some sitting on the steps Taunted him of being blind "O' blindman you can not see god" "How will he accept your praise of kind"
"If I can't see, he who sits on the shrine" "It's totally fine to pay my respect" "Atleast my god can see me if I can't" "And like you, he will never reject!"
I watched the entire scene silently, Of the people with the same beliefs A blind can not offer praise Coz his doings are based on griefs
How meek and judged, the people are Believing in everything they see Hearing people preach of god Forget that god resides in you and me...