I like to read alone. I always move to the far back of the bus to do so. I like to listen to music alone. When I leave home to go somewhere or when I am on my way back. I like to draw alone. I find it easier to be lost in my fantasy world than deal with reality, which seriously *****. Where I go, I always find some tree to look at. One that stands strong, proud and single. It stands, away from other trees and it's content. Even when lovers pass me, young and old. Or laughing children from preschool. Or obnoxious teens, in and out of highschool Or the elderly with their grandchildren. My gaze is on the tree still. Facing the sky, I often wonder why that is. A benefit to being alone is that you're happy with your own peace. There's no drama. You get comfortable with who you are and you can find yourself. I like being alone. It doesn't mean I'm lonely. I couldn't bare being lonely...
I often take long walks to clear my head. People say that I'm lonely. I'm not. I have good friends, its just I'm content with my own company. Have you ever been asked why you're alone 24\7?