A lake. A prayer. Soft glow of violet, ethereal. Soft land beneath our feet, a lustful calling, sweeter greed.
Warm campfire in a blanket of cold. A speck of hell under a starless sky. Two hearts fluttering uneasily. Sparks, as you bless my palm with a dandelion. Eternal promise of love.
A playground. Old sunken swings. A boat of moonlight in it's wings. Pitched laughter, the creaking of swingboard. Your hands in mine. Serenity galore.
Christmas trees, laden with lights. Merry songs. Gifts and sights. Bliss turns into panic. You cough out blood. A strange fear Lingers in the air.
A hospital room. Cold and bright. A machine with curves beeping fast. Your hand in mine. Slumped body on bed. You close your eyes in my arms. Silence. Death came at last.
Sometimes Some Images Remind me of an incomplete love.